The Dead Rabbit

New York

Named The World’s Best Bar in 2016, this Financial District hotspot touts itself as the world’s most awarded pub, and with good reason. The NYC institution almost singlehandedly changed perceptions around the limits of an Irish pub, offering complex concoctions within the classic jovial atmosphere that made such watering holes so beloved around the world.

Street level in the Taproom, the vibe is that of a popular, crowded neighbourhood pub decked out in brass and wood, where Guinness is poured with perfect domes and one of NYC’s finest Irish coffees is served aplenty. However, ascend a flight of stairs and one enters The Parlor: a lounge space devoted to the cocktail list that gave rise to the unparalleled talents of the bar team, including co-founder Jack McGarry and Beverage Director Aidan Bowie.

A meticulously illustrated menu walks guests through a series of classics paired with unique Irish riffs created by the Rabbit team. The foundational martini is presented alongside a Steakhouse Martini (vodka, rosemary, late-harvest chenin blanc, rambutan); whiskey sours are transformed into Blink Twice (rye & malt Irish whiskey, grapefruit, raspberry, chocolate rye, birch, shiso). Beyond the menu, the Dead Rabbit is a sprawling institution, offering books, drink kits, tours of Ireland, and plans to open satellite locations in other US cities. But start with the Irish Coffee and go from there.
