Licorería Limantour

Mexico City

Licorería Limantour changed the face of the Mexico City bar scene when it opened in 2011; you could even make the argument that it kicked the whole thing off. Since 2014, this legendary Roma Norte establishment, led by Benjamin Padrón and José Luis Leon, has been a true stalwart of the 50 Best list and a pioneer of the bartender knowledge-sharing culture worldwide.

For this venue, its longevity isn’t an indication that it's standing still. The split-level bar buzzes with energy, and guests spill out on to the street every night of the week. Behind the bar, the drinks offering continues to innovate while keeping room for now-iconic serves such as the Fluffy Paloma and Margarita Al Pastor. The bar’s latest menu, Ida y Vuelta, draws on native Oaxacan ingredients with the mezcal milk punch Rosita de Cacao a favourite with regulars. Twelve years on, the party is still in full swing and Limantour shows no sign of slowing down.
