The best bars by continent

The best bars by continent

Best in Continent Awards

The highest-ranking bars in each continent represented in The World's 50 Best Bars 2023

The World's Best Bar & The Best Bar in Europe 2023, sponsored by Perrier: Sips, Barcelona

The Best Bar in North America 2023, sponsored by Tia Maria: Double Chicken Please, New York

The Best Bar in South America 2023, sponsored by Scrappy's Bitters: Alquímico, Cartagena

The Best Bar in Asia 2023, sponsored by Torres Brandy: BKK Social Club, Bangkok

The Best Bar in Australasia 2023, sponsored by Naked Malt: Maybe Sammy, Sydney

The Best Bar in the Middle East and Africa 2023, sponsored by Amaro Lucano: Mimi Kakushi, Dubai
